Saturday, August 13, 2011


What is it about the rain that brings calm,
Yet urgency?
Yet sadness?
Yet disturbance?
Why do the same drops that persuade you to dance so energetically under their shower sing you into a motionless sleep at night?
It caresses,
But stings.
But screams.
But exasperates.
That's why I like it.  All emotion, all feeling, can be brought to the surface with just a short soak in the rain.  It's amazing what the sky does to a person.  The rain you just so spontaneously and happily danced in has all of a sudden turned you into a grouch who hates getting wet.  So beautiful in its contradictions.  That's why it fascinates me.  I love to hear it.  It plays with the same orchestra over and over again, but each time the melody has been re-composed.  It colors the earth the same shades, but paints with a different brush each time.  It soothes you, it angers you; it helps you sleep, it wakes you up.  It's so complex and just when you think you know how it's going to make you feel,
It changes.

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