Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do....Hopefully.

Once again, I apologize for the lack of posts within the past few weeks.  Nothing exciting has happened to me though, and I figured that you, as a reader, would most likely rather not hear about my boring life.  However, yesterday something did happen.  Something exciting.  My cousin and I scheduled a whole summer's worth of voice lessons.  You must understand something about me.  I am nervous, nervous, nervous when it comes to vocal performance.  I once sung a solo on stage and it was the most nerve wracking thing I have ever done.  On stage, that is.  Anyway, for those of you who don't know, my cousin and I are writing a musical (It's going to be amazing), and since it is a MUSICAL, we realized that, inevitably, there would come a point where we we would have to open our mouths and actually, vocally, perform.  This scares the living daylights out of both of us since we are both very inexperienced as vocal musicians.  (Notice I say "vocal".  There's plenty of talent to be witnessed between the two of us in other musical areas.)  So, off to voice lessons we go- weekly, for an hour, over the course of the summer.  I am excited, but also slightly nervous.  Although, being there with my cousin, whom I have no problem singing in front of, will probably take the edge off of the nerves.  I know that my goal, personally, is to be able to perform in front of people and not be nervous and actually sound good instead of just average.  I just hope that my insecurity about my voice won't hold me back from achieving my goals. 

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