Saturday, March 24, 2012

Between Asleep and Awake

What happens in those moments, the moments between asleep and awake?
Those seconds when time and space are suspended in limbo, strung together only by the
of a dream?
Those precious few heartbeats when peace and serenity overrule stress's reign on the body--
What happens then?
I'll tell you.

It is the soul's way of reminding the consious being what bliss is;
the spirit's
dying breath
of sacred sleep;
the time when the innermost is closest to the surface,
like a fish coming to investigate a leaf that has upset the water.

These moments function onn a clock of their own.
lasting for hours it seems.
Other times,
Passing like a brisk memory of the way a lover used to smile.

We live for these moments.
If not consiously, then certainly a piece of something inside us does.
I believe it's human nature to seek
and quiet;
To know that all is well...
If only for a second.

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