Saturday, June 16, 2012

The Skinny Girl's Rant

Just to warn you, I'm about to yell, rant, and step on toes, so if you like keeping an image of me in your head as a nice person who never gets angry at anyone, you should skip this post.


Observe a few comments from an article I recently read on Yahoo!:

"Super-skinny is not pretty! I'd rather see a REAL woman than a fake size 0 model!"

"I don't know what it is about so many young "stars" who feel that they must be an unrealistic size 0. No one over 10 years old looks good as a size 0."

"I look at those women skinny as rails, they look like clothes hangers, not humans."

"A woman without curves is just purely boring, unexciting and can't keep you warm on a cold night"

"Super skinny is so gross looking"

"Women with meat on them are always more attractive than a skin and bones one that looks like a starving horse that needs to be shot and put out of its misery."

"Kelly Clarkson has things the "super skinny" types don't abundance of talent and a great attitude and personality"

"Super skinny like Angelina Jolie is grotesque and vain"

Wow. . .Ouch. I happen to wear a size 0. I'm not a model. But I am real. I really hate when people say that "REAL women are curvy" as if the rest of the non-curvy women are not real, or as if they are somehow less valuable as a person because they are skinny. I'm so sick of people talking about how "normal" is better than "skinny." Size 2 is just as normal as size 4 or 12 or 18! You wouldn't walk up to a larger person and tell them they look obese, so why would you walk up to a skinny person and tell them they look anorexic? I'm so tired of being called a twig. It's like telling a large person they need to lose weight. Just rude. Also, people telling skinny girls to "go eat a hamburger" is like telling a large girl to lay off the cake. It's just as rude, and yet some people seem to think that just because girls are skinny their self-esteem is through the roof and that comments like "go eat a burger" or "oh my gosh you're a twig" or "you're so skinny you look anorexic!" won't actually hurt. People seem to think that only bigger people's self-image should be protected and the skinny ones can be cut down for being skinny, and no guilt will be necessary because after all, it's impossible to hurt a skinny girl's self image. I'm just a little mad that in the eyes of society, I'm not as "real" as a size 16 woman just because I wear a smaller size skirt. Ladies, we're all real here, can't we just stop cutting each other down?

I'm glad when a girl is confident, no matter what her clothing size. I know that beauty is more than skin deep, and a girl that can be comfortable with who she is inside is prettier than any model. The computer generated models that have been airbrushed and photoshopped bother me. Although I realize that they are the source of strife for curvier girls, it also gives the wrong impression of the thinner ones and can end up making people feel like they have the "right" or the "duty" to make up for the curvier girs' hurt feelings by bringing the skinny ones down and making them feel inferior. You wouldn't make a large person feel bad for being large, so why make a skinny person feel guilty about being skinny?

By society's standards, I am "too skinny." By the creators of the comments above, I am fake, unrealistic, ugly, inhuman, boring, unexciting, gross looking, talentless, grotesque, vain, have no personality, a bad attitude, and am comparable to a starving horse that doesn't deserve to live. Will someone please tell me why people feel no guilt or shame posting these things about thin girls? Will someone please explain to me why backhanding the self-image of skinny girls makes the curvy girls feel so good inside? Please, somebody tell me why it's okay to strip every bit of self-esteem from a skinny girl's image but mentioning the word "weight" around a larger person is like blasphemy.

I mean no offense to any girl of any size. I just simply want the support to go both ways here. Isn't there any other way we can support the confidence of one body type without destroying the confidence of the other?

Now here's a puppy picture just 'cuz.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Of a Dream

Twilight.  The last whispers of sunlight mingle gently with the first kisses of evening as the love-struck sun and moon explore the garden together.  Fireflies illuminate the lovers' path with tiny glowing embers of iridescent yellow.  The roses glimmer in that mystical shade of silver that is cast from the dusky sky, sighing as a soft breeze rustles their petals.  Behind them, deep orange tiger lilies bow their heads as the approaching night lulls them to sleep.  In the cloudless sky, jet black bats dart to and fro, looking for insects or fruit to munch on for supper.  Down below them, green and blue mosaic stepping stones lead the way to a giggling fountain in which two small birds are indulging in an evening bath.  The increasing moonlight casts a glassy illusion over the surface of the water, giving the impression that as the birds dip below the sheet of liquid glass, they are in fact entering another world--a place known only by them, where everything is at peace, mimicking the stillness of the water.  And as the moon finally sings the sun to sleep, the birds take flight, leaving a trail of glittering droplets behind them.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Give me a word,
A thought,
Or a smile.
Tell me a story,
Play a song,
Stay a while.
Give me a poem,
Or whisper
Like this.
Show me
Some something,
A thing I can't miss.

Remind me to fight
When all I want
Is to crumble.
Give me a hope--
A light
Through the tunnel.
Show me the way
When life's blindfold
I wear.
Make me a promise.
Tell me
You swear.

Please keep me smiling--
At peace.
Lend your warm shoulder
When I can't go
To sleep.
Calm my frail nerves
When life
Lays me out.
Sing through my nightmares,
Quench all
My doubts.

Take hold of my hand,
Pull me up
When I fall.
Say it's alright
If I run into
Brick walls.
Open the windows
When the doors
Are all closed
Be my warm blanket
When stormy
Winds blow.

All this I hope for
And meek.
Could you possibly be
These things
That I seek?
But one small request
Trancends all
Of these.
Two tiny words:

Inspire me.